Our top membership support level!  Super Jacket Members will receive a Perrysburg HS All Sports Pass for a family of 5 giving you admission to all NLL onsite home games and matches for our 26 varsity sports!

This is a $395 value!

AND REMEMBER:  50% of of your total membership dues will be allocated to the specific sport(s) of your choice! These funds will be made available for use directly to the team that you select.  If you want to select multiple sports teams to support, the amounts will be evenly divided amongst the teams selected (3 max).  Make your selections below under “Sports Team 1”, “Sports Team 2” and “Sports Team 3”.  (If you want your entire membership to benefit ALL sports, simply select “All to Athletic Boosters Club”)

PLEASE BE AWARE:  Passes ARE NOT immediate and can take 2-3 business days to process.
